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TECH-NO-ICE offers a 10 times better melting performance than salt. Due to the unique shape of the pellets they remain lying also on inclined surfaces. TECH-NO-ICE works extremely fast at temperatures to -40°C. TECH-NO-ICE is hygroscopic, that means: when ice and snow are melted away, on the bottom remains a non-freezing thin layer which guarantees a much longer lasting effect compared to salt. Rapid re-freezing is therefore prevented. Without renewed snowfall and at normal icing, the effect can last up to 7 days. TECH-NO-ICE can be used also for drying damp rooms, because it deprives the contained humidity in the air. Similarly, it can also be applied on floors e.g. in warehouses to reduce existing moisture.

  • 10 times better melting performance than salt
  • Works at temperatures to -40°C
  • Easy to use: TECH-NO-ICE is applied by hand or the SPREADER
  • Economical: 1kg of TECH-NO-ICE can melt 7 to 10m² of ice vs. 1kg of salt can only melt 1m²
  • Long-term effectiveness: the water formed by the melted snow and ice will not re-freeze for up to 7 days
  • Non-harmful: unlike salt, TECH-NO-ICE is hardly corrosive; it is therefore harmless to animal paws, auto bodies, cement sidewalks, garden vegetation...
  • Powerful anti-moisture capacity: TECH-NO-ICE absorbs up to 5 times its weight of water
  • Natural product which dissolves to 100%
Article nr Name Content
T110011 Tech-No-Ice 10kg 10kg
T110036 Spreader

» To the shop
  • Technical data
  • Application and usage
  • Downloads

Physical state: solid
Colour: white
Odour: not determined

Odour threshold: not determined 
pH (20 °C): 9 – 10.5     
Density:  about 900g per liter
WARNING: store TECH-NO-ICE in a dry location

    - Anti-Ice, Anti-snow: work places, pedestrian passageways, vehicle access ramps (roads, doorways, entrances to stores, factory warehouses, stairways, cold storage rooms...)
    - Anti-moisture (drying): cellars, damp warehouses, secondary residences...
    - Dust binder on riding arenas
    - Granite, sand and natural stones: Highest material protection, even long-term application does not cause salt marks.
  • USE:
    - Remove bulk of snow or ice.
    - Spread TECH-NO-ICE evenly at the rate of 1 to 2kg per 10m².
    - Let absorb: TECH-NO-ICE works in and loosens snow and ice.
    - After 15 min., it is possible to remove the ice or snow with a shovel
    - Place a mesh bag (or nylon stocking) filled with TECH-NO-ICE (1 to 2 kg) over a basin with a capacity 5 to 10 times the volume of TECH-NO-ICE.
    - The best results are obtained with good ventilation.


TECH-NO-ICE offers a 10 times better melting performance than salt. Due to the unique shape of the pellets they remain lying also on inclined surfaces. TECH-NO-ICE works extremely fast at temperatures to -40°C. TECH-NO-ICE is hygroscopic, that means: when ice and snow are melted away, on the bottom remains a non-freezing thin layer which guarantees a much longer lasting effect compared to salt. Rapid re-freezing is therefore prevented. Without renewed snowfall and at normal icing, the effect can last up to 7 days. TECH-NO-ICE can be used also for drying damp rooms, because it deprives the contained humidity in the air. Similarly, it can also be applied on floors e.g. in warehouses to reduce existing moisture.

  • 10 times better melting performance than salt
  • Works at temperatures to -40°C
  • Easy to use: TECH-NO-ICE is applied by hand or the SPREADER
  • Economical: 1kg of TECH-NO-ICE can melt 7 to 10m² of ice vs. 1kg of salt can only melt 1m²
  • Long-term effectiveness: the water formed by the melted snow and ice will not re-freeze for up to 7 days
  • Non-harmful: unlike salt, TECH-NO-ICE is hardly corrosive; it is therefore harmless to animal paws, auto bodies, cement sidewalks, garden vegetation...
  • Powerful anti-moisture capacity: TECH-NO-ICE absorbs up to 5 times its weight of water
  • Natural product which dissolves to 100%
Article nr Name Content
T110011 Tech-No-Ice 10kg 10kg
T110036 Spreader

» To the shop
  • Technical data
  • Application and usage
  • Downloads

Physical state: solid
Colour: white
Odour: not determined

Odour threshold: not determined 
pH (20 °C): 9 – 10.5     
Density:  about 900g per liter
WARNING: store TECH-NO-ICE in a dry location

    - Anti-Ice, Anti-snow: work places, pedestrian passageways, vehicle access ramps (roads, doorways, entrances to stores, factory warehouses, stairways, cold storage rooms...)
    - Anti-moisture (drying): cellars, damp warehouses, secondary residences...
    - Dust binder on riding arenas
    - Granite, sand and natural stones: Highest material protection, even long-term application does not cause salt marks.
  • USE:
    - Remove bulk of snow or ice.
    - Spread TECH-NO-ICE evenly at the rate of 1 to 2kg per 10m².
    - Let absorb: TECH-NO-ICE works in and loosens snow and ice.
    - After 15 min., it is possible to remove the ice or snow with a shovel
    - Place a mesh bag (or nylon stocking) filled with TECH-NO-ICE (1 to 2 kg) over a basin with a capacity 5 to 10 times the volume of TECH-NO-ICE.
    - The best results are obtained with good ventilation.